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Showing posts from April, 2015

Why the next president of Russia will be hairy

Since 1825 there has been a bizarre, yet remarkably consistent, pattern among rulers of Russia and based on this predictable pattern it's safe to say that the next Russian president will have a full head of hair.

When Nicholas I became the emperor of Russia in 1821, it was noted that the 29-year-old tsar was rapidly losing his hair; by the end of his reign in 1855, Nicholas had become quite bald. Alexander II, who replaced Nicholas, was rather hirsute by comparison, with a full head of hair and a majestic beard. Even at the time of his death at age 62 in 1881, Tsar Alexander II still had most of his hair. Yet his son, Alexander III, who became the next emperor or Russia, was noticeably bald. And through the rest of the 19th and 20th centuries, right up to the present day, this bizarre pattern of Bald Leader-Hairy Leader continues, with Putin and his thinning hair following in the footsteps of Dmitry Medvedev and his glorious coif.

While this strange pattern is fodder for much jok…

Debunked: Morgellons Disease

Of all the diseases and disorders that plague the human body, few are as strange and as controversial as Morgellons Disease, whose sufferers claim that things such as odd fibers, mysterious hairs and strings and other thread-like objects grow from their body or beneath their skin. Formally named in 2002, the medical establishment is of the consensus that this disorder- which predominantly affects caucasian women- is, in reality, a mental disorder.

This rebuff by the medical establishment, however, does nothing but infuriate those who suffer from Morgellons, who feel that they are being ridiculed and "written off" by the very same people who have been sworn to help them under the Hippocratic Oath. Robert Bartholomew, a sociologist who has studied the Morgellons phenomenon, has even gone so far as to state that the "World Wide Web has become the incubator for mass delusion and it (Morgellons) seems to be a socially transmitted disease over the Internet."
Because of…
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