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Showing posts from March, 2014

Florida "Mystery Booms" Explained

Over a year ago, we published a series of investigations pertaining to the "mystery boom" phenomenon, concluding that these strange tremblings and odd explosions were related to legal and illegal silica sand mining operations. We arrived at this conclusion based on the following facts:

-Virtually every location where these booms are heard occur in areas with sandstone and silica deposits.

-The timing of the booms is directly proportional to increases in demand for "frac sand" (silica).

With the United States becoming the world leader in natural gas production,the demand for silica sand-- an essential component of the hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") process-- has soared to an all-time high. Quite literally, "frac sand" is worth its weight in gold, resulting in hundreds of bootleg mining operations springing up all over the country.

We have investigated these mystery booms in Rhode Island, Illinois, Kentucky, Idaho (read the results of our inves…

Did Malaysia Airlines crash its own jet for insurance money?

While the world remains mesmerized by the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, no shortage of theories have been presented by the media. These theories range from the logical to the highly illogical, and everything in between. Earlier, we proposed one theory, suggesting the plane may have gone down intact after an emergency water landing, as the result of a sudden engine "flame-out" caused by flying through a cloud of volcanic ash (Java's Mount Kelud had violently erupted just days before). While this theory has yet to be disproved, we would like to present yet another possible explanation which has not been addressed by the so-called experts interviewed by the mainstream media.

This theory involves a plotline far more nefarious than an act of terror or pilot suicide, and poses the question: Could Malaysia Airlines have crashed its own aircraft for insurance money? 

It is a well-established fact that, for several years, Malaysia Airlines has been teet…

A Nauvoo Haunting

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