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Showing posts from October, 2013

Sandy Hook officials force demo workers to remain silent

With demolition of Newtown's Sandy Hook Elementary School set to begin shortly, it appears that local officials are once again trying their hardest to conceal as much information as possible about the December 14, 2012 massacre in which Adam Lanza allegedly killed twenty children and six adults- this time by forcing demotion workers to sign a confidentiality agreement swearing them to secrecy.

On October 15, the Associated Press reported that contractors demolishing Sandy Hook Elementary School are being required to sign confidentiality agreements forbidding public discussion of the site, photographs or disclosure of any information about the school.   “We don’t really want those who are there somehow releasing information or recounting impressions of the site, given we are trying to move on, so to speak," stated Selectman Will Rodgers in a recent interview.

Demolition of Sandy Hook Elementary is set to begin next week.  A new school is expected to open by December of 2016, …

Yeti Mystery Solved By DNA? Oxford Prof Says Yes.

Oxford University geneticist Bryan Sykes claims that he has finally laid to rest the mystery of the Yeti- by unraveling the mystery creature's DNA.  The Yeti- an apelike creature which has been rumored for centuries to lurk in the Himalayas- is also famously known as the Abominable Snowman.  Sykes, a genetics professor at Oxford, sequenced DNA samples taken from two unidentified animals killed in the Himalayas of India and Bhutan in recent decades, and claims that the Yeti is nothing more than an unknown species of bear.

According to Sykes, the DNA seems to imply that the Abominable Snowman is a hybrid, closely related to the polar bear and the brown bear.

"This is a species that hasn't been recorded for 40,000 years. Now, we know one of these was walking around ten years ago. And what's interesting is that we have found this type of animal at both ends of the Himalayas. If one were to go back, there would be others still there," stated the geneticist.


Forgotten Cryptids: Nine-Legged Fish Caught in Nevada

From the chupacabra to the Loch Ness Monster, mystery creatures continue to capture the imaginations of millions of people around the world.  Some mysterious creatures, however, seem to have faded from our collective memory.  A strange nine-legged fish caught in Nevada in 1905 is one such creature.  What makes this creature even more remarkable is the fact that the fish was captured by a party of respected officials, including a state comptroller, an attorney general and a game warden.

From the August 11, 1905, edition of the Hartford Republican:

State Comptroller Sam Davis, warden John Considine, Attorney-General James Sweeney and Louis Beaver, all of Carson, have landed one of the queerest freaks in the fish line ever seen in Nevada.  It is neither fish nor animal, yet closely resembles both.  It was caught in the Carson River, close to the Holstins ranch, by Mr. Davis.

It measures about 18 inches in length and has nine legs.  It has a head, fin, gills, and scales of the fish, but th…

Bin Laden Raid Was Staged, Claims Award-Winning Journalist

In late September, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh raised eyebrows when he declared that the 2011 SEAL Team Six raid which killed Osama Bin Laden was “one big lie” and that “not one word” of the official narrative on what happened is true.

In Hersh's interview, which appeared in The Guardian, the journalist lashes out at American media for blindly accepting, and failing to raise questions, about the Obama administration's narrative about the raid which allegedly killed Bin Laden.   For example, the White House initially claimed that situation room photos showed President Obama watching the raid live-- even though there happened to be a blackout on the live feed.  In addition, residents who lived next to the compound have stated that they had never seen Bin Laden, adding that there was no evidence suggesting that he had ever lived there.

Unfortunately, Hersh missed a golden opportunity in his interview to drive home his point.  Although he stated that "Nothi…
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